The support of whānau and a focus on te ao Māori have created strong foundations for Tasmyn Roach’s Awhi Company, which offers beautiful wraps and blankets adorned with traditional Māori motifs.
“Poipoia te kakano, kia puawai.” Nurture the seed and it will grow.
What started as a passion project inspired by a natural aroha for pēpi (babies), Awhi Company
has grown into a thriving business at a capacity that founder Tasmyn Roach (Ngāti Maniapoto,
Ngāti Raukawa, Waikato) could never have imagined.
Becoming a mother herself in 2022, Tasmyn (29) found new motivation in running her own pākihi (business), as it allowed her to stay home with her son, surrounding him in aroha and his culture.
Awhi, meaning to nurture and cherish, is woven throughout every important aspect of Tasmyn’s life, from the foundations of running the business to cultural connection and nurturing whānau, māmā and pēpi. “A lot of what we do is inspired by a deep passion to learn our culture, whakapapa and history so that we can pass it on to our pēpi,” says Tasmyn. “Whānau is also pivotal in this journey;
it’s the foundation Awhi Company is grounded on.”