Awhi Company
Awhi Company exists to ensure whānau are wrapped in their culture from birth and to support our tamariki to stand strong in who they are and where they come from. We are a Māori owned and operated company.
What began as a love for sewing and making baby blankets for friends and whānau. We now have a range of pēpi blankets and blankets for the whare.

Ko wai au?
Ko Tainui te Waka
Ko Pirongia me Kakepuku ngā Maunga
Ko Waipa te Awa
Ko Ngāti Maniapoto me Ngāti Rauakawa me Waikato ngā Iwi
Ko Tasmyn Roach tōku ingoa
I tipu ake ahau ki Ōtorohanga, engari kei Tauranga Moana tāku kainga inaianei
Originally from Ōtorohanga we now reside in Tauranga Moana where we raise our young whānau.
Our Values
We are guided by three core values in our mahi, these are:
- Kaitiakitanga - Looking after our taiao. Ensuring we use Organic Cotton possible for our pēpi. Ensuring there is no harsh chemicals used in growing the cotton. Using Recycled Cotton for our Whare collection.
- Aroha - Supporting and treating one another with love, care and respect.
- Mātauranga - Sharing Te Reo Māori and Māori culture to strengthen our identities.
Whānau run pakihi
Designed in Aotearoa
Soft and breathable